Et voila les fameuses photos du non moins fameux pique nique, histoire de remémorer quelques bons moments à ceux qui y étaient, et aussi de donner envie à ceux qui n'y étaient pas, de venir à la prochaine edition qui devrait avoir lieu ... bah je sais pas moi, le plus tôt possible ?
Clique ici pour voir la gallerie de photos ...
Welcome !
In this blog I mainly talk about music,l especially, about MY band, K E I K E N ! :-), as well as a few "Piano solo" covers I posted on youtube and also a litle bit, of photography here.
You can listen to the songs using the player below, for free obviously. And if you like them, please register as a fan, so I can become famous in my village :-)
You can also visit the blog about my trip in China or the blog about my trip in Australia
You can use the tag cloud on the left to navigate or find what you're looking for, or use the Labels on the left too. Thanks for coming ! :-)
In this blog I mainly talk about music,l especially, about MY band, K E I K E N ! :-), as well as a few "Piano solo" covers I posted on youtube and also a litle bit, of photography here.
You can listen to the songs using the player below, for free obviously. And if you like them, please register as a fan, so I can become famous in my village :-)
You can also visit the blog about my trip in China or the blog about my trip in Australia
You can use the tag cloud on the left to navigate or find what you're looking for, or use the Labels on the left too. Thanks for coming ! :-)