Merry Christmas folks !!
Here's my latest video, "Life on Mars" by David Bowie !
In my opinion, this one really lacks of a voice, so if you are a (good) singer, feel free to contact me so we can do a video, even if you live in Shanghai, with internet it shouldn' t be a problem !!
Click here to watch "Life on mars" on youtube
In this blog I mainly talk about music,l especially, about MY band, K E I K E N ! :-), as well as a few "Piano solo" covers I posted on youtube and also a litle bit, of photography here.
You can listen to the songs using the player below, for free obviously. And if you like them, please register as a fan, so I can become famous in my village :-)
You can also visit the blog about my trip in China or the blog about my trip in Australia
You can use the tag cloud on the left to navigate or find what you're looking for, or use the Labels on the left too. Thanks for coming ! :-)
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Life on mars
Friday, November 16, 2007
A cool website to practice music theory
The website eMusic theory has put online miscelaneous exercices to help you practicing music theory.
You can train yourself at note reading, chords reading, intervale hearing, rythm and more ... and it works for any instrument (even for singers !) . Moreover they're quite fun (funier at least than 1h spent in a class room with an old music teacher)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Trip d'une nuit de printemps on
This version is quite different than the one available on youtube (see below). While the youtube version is 100% live, this version has been recorded using cubase (or was it cakewalk ?? I don't remember actually ! It was a few years ago already) and every part has been recorded sperately, plus there are 2 pianos and one synth.
Check it out on :
As usual comments are welcome !
Thoughts about improvisation
One day I read a post on the piano players group on website, of a classically trained girl who wondered about how to improvise on a piano. She seemed to have a very good technique but didn't know where to start with improvisation. I tried to explin my view about the topic, because despite my poor technique, I still try to improvize a lot. Surprisingly, some people like this post, according to the comments I received on the site, so I decided to share this post with you. Maybe you can grab a few hints, but overall, don't hesitate to add you comments and share your knowledge. this is only my humble opinion :-)
Jazz means improvisation, and improvisation means hearing what you are going to play !
I started the piano when I was 16 and like you, I had to stop because of studies. I just restarted 2 years ago and decided to realy dig into improvisation.
Sometimes in life, weaknesses become strengths ! Maybe if Ray Charles hadn't been blind, he wouldn't have been an outstanding piano player. I'm not Ray Charles but, for sure, I have always been very very very bad at score reading. As a result, instead of spending hours reading scores, I always tried to play by ear, and I think this the basic for playing jazz.
To play jazz, you have to hear what you are going to play, and to do that, you have first to be able to play what you hear. Do you follow me ? ;-)
Training your hear is not difficult ! First you have to learn chords. You'll find a lot of info on the internet on how to play basic chords (Majors, minors, and 7th, only). I must insist on this point : knowing chords a(and knowing them well) is mandatory for jazz.
Then first try with REALY easy songs (children tunes for example). Listen to them, and try to reproduce them. Then try to find the chords on the net, and compare with what you're playing. At the begining it will seem realy difficult, but you'll see after a few weeks, it will be a game.
When you feel comfortable with that, try with pop songs (as an example, one of the first song I learnt this way was "Can you feel the love ?" by Elton John - Hint : it starts with an F major chord) .
When you feel comfortable with that, you can start improvising . What I do when I want to improvise is :
- I take a set of chords
- I play them for a while
- And while playing only the chords, I imagine a melody
- when I have the melody in mind, I try to play it.
That's it. After a while again it will become natural .
Then what you will need to improve is :
- more imagination
- a better technique
I don't worry for the technique, as, after 11 years of classical music, you must not be too bad. You'll have to learn jazz chords (M7, min7, sus4 , half-diminished, etc ... ) and the associated scales, but I'm going a bit too far for the moment !
And for imagination, my personal technique is : to listen as much music as I can to grab ideas from other musicians and ... to sing. Just try to invent melodies and sing them. It will wake the creator who sleep in everyone of us.
And moreover, singing will make you happy ;-)
Now, you know where to start ! :o) (at least according to me)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Trip d'une nuit de printemps
This is song I wrote some time ago...
Well "wrote" is a bit bit too much maybe :-)
Actually this song come from several small improvisations I did and aranged together.
I'll post the mp3 version soon (with 2 pianos and synths)
Click here to watch "Trip d'une nuit de printemps" on youtube
Monday, October 15, 2007
Victor's Piano Solo
Hi !
This time, it's not a song from Yann Tiersen, but from Danny Elfman (yeah, the dude who wrote the Simpsons Theme !!!). It's from the film "The corpse Bride". Normally the song is unfinished, so I copied the end one guy wrote and played on youtube.
Click here to watch "Victor's piano solo" on youtube
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
La valse d'Amélie
Another song for Yann Tiersen and from the movie, Amélie . Enjoy
Click here to watch "la valse d'Amélie" on youtube
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Comptine d'un autre été - l'après midi
This my first attempt of broadcasting music played by me on the net . This one is from "Le fabuleux destin d'amelie poulain", and was written by Yann Tiersen . More coming soon !
Click here to watch "Comptine d'un autre été - l'après midi" on youtube
Friday, June 29, 2007
Pique nique quelque part dans l'arriere pays ...
Clique ici pour voir la gallerie de photos ...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Photos du cap d'antibes
J'ouvre un blog pour poster mes differentes photos avec 2 - 3 annectodes.
Pour le premier post, voici quelques images d'une sortie au cap d'antibes le 8 mai dernier, avec mon fidele reflex pentax K10D, ainsi que quelques photos d'Antibes, plus anciennes !
Vous trouverez tout ça ici !